About Pet*iD
Pet*iD, the true leader in Lost Pet Recovery, was designed in 1996
specifically for reuniting lost pets with their true owners .
Pet*iD focuses on three main things:
The person that finds the lost pet
What we don't do!
Is harvest your pets contact-home information, or use it in any way other
than to help you protect your pets. We have gone to grate lengths to protect
all your pet's contact-home information. We do not ask for unnecessary
information that could be critical to your identity, just what is necessary to
get your pet back home, and our system puts you in complete control. The
only access is through the tag or chip ID on your pet.
Pet*iD is a Pet Recovery System that allows the pet owner and the person
that finds their lost friend to communicate directly. This eliminates the need
for third party intervention.The pet owner can manage their pet's homeward
information in real time
from anywhere in the Internet world via www.petid.com.This means that when
a pet and it's owner get separated, for example during
a disaster, and are relocated into separate locations, the pet owner would be
able to update their pet's homeward information tag from any Internet
connection. All they need, is the petid.com website.The pet owners can keep
their pet's homeward information up to date with
current information indefinitely without a third party.This System Provides real
hope and insures the quickest reunion possible
between the pet owner and their best friend.The Pet*iD Recovery System
provides the pet finder with:
- The owner's contact information.
- A posted message from the pet owner to the person that may find their
lost friend. The pet owner can tell that person anything they would need
to know about their pet.
- A Photo ID; a picture of the pet can be very useful.